A new week for Baby Padawan. And as I sit here thinking about the little bean growing inside me, my sister in law just welcomed her newest baby into the world via c section. Welcome to the world, Liam! Can't wait to meet you!
I've been feeling a little punky lately. I spent the entire weekend laying about and doing a whole lot of nothing. Napping was about the extent. But I feel like my body needs it, so I'll happily oblige in naptime. I felt some late morning morning sickness on Monday. I was at work and thought I was going to puke all over my desk. I had to run to the bathroom, but I hate throwing up, so I just kept it down and sucked it up. I went home for lunch and had some delicious toast and a cheese stick. I'm kind of craving cheese sticks right now... which I guess is good, since I'm supposed to be getting like 3-4 servings of dairy a day, I think... I had more sickness yesterday morning with banana in my mouth. I was driving to a client facility for work and I almost puked all over the dashboard. Maybe bananas are gonna be my no-no for my pregnancy. I think it's a consistency thing.
My first appointment is in 6 days. I'm so nervous. I wish my hubby was home to go with me, but my mom is gonna tag along, so at least I won't be alone. I really want them to do an ultrasound, but if they don't, I'm gonna see if they'll do one when my hubby is home in March. That would make it much more special for us, and I'm OK with waiting if it means my hubby gets to be there with me and the little bean.
I told my best friend last night about our news. So my 3 best girlfriends know, my hubby's 2 best friends know, my 2 sisters, my mom and step dad know. And hopefully we'll keep it that way until we decide to divulge the info. I think we plan to tell my in-laws in March when hubby gets home. I'm sure they'll be over the moon.
I guess that's about all of the happy funness I have for this week. I'm ready to feel pregnant.
To my precious little bean... I'm thinking about you all the time. Every time my stomach twitches in hunger, every time I'm laying on the couch at 6:30 ready to go to bed, every time I see a commercial on TV with a momma loving on her baby, every time I think about how much I love your daddy and can't wait to see him love on you... I'm just so thrilled, so excited, so happy, so relieved, so ready for the journey to continue. I love you already, and you're just a tiny little bean. xoxo
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Morning Sickness?
I dunno. Is this morning sickness, or just eating too much pasta the night before? I woke up around 3 with the immediate urge to barf, but I was entirely too tired to get up, so I just pushed through the pain and fell back asleep. I have a little nauseous nagging feeling going on right now. I threw away half of my banana... I never throw away food I'm eating. Especially now. Hmm... I'm so curious to see what the next few days and weeks bring. I hope I'm able to keep this big secret a big secret until at least April 1.
How can I be nauseous AND hungry? What a horrible combo.
How can I be nauseous AND hungry? What a horrible combo.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
It wouldn't be official without pee stick pictures
I guess it wouldn't be "official" without posting the pee stick pictures.
First test taken on Sunday, February 12... the faint line test that prompted an immediate text to my best friend asking if she saw the line, too...
The test I took the next day...
And the test I took the day I missed my period. The digital test!
<3 And two happy lovebirds the week they found out about their Baby Padawan <3
Day 36, Week 5
Yay! The beginning of Week 5! I woke up today with a little nausea... I hope this is the beginning of morning sickness. I feel like I will feel more "pregnant" once I start throwing up. I'm still so incredibly exhausted and hungry non-stop. I was in bed last night at 7:15. I didn't fall asleep until 9, but the pup and I just laid there cuddling. Hubby went back to work last night, so I figured why not just be a total slug in bed?
Two weeks until my first appointment with my new OBGYN. Looks like hubby will be off working until mid-March, so my momma will probably have to go with me. She'll love that. She'll probably want to tag along to every other appointment, too.
I'm still craving Taco Bell. Maybe if I can keep my eating under control until this evening I'll reward myself with burritos. :)
Two weeks until my first appointment with my new OBGYN. Looks like hubby will be off working until mid-March, so my momma will probably have to go with me. She'll love that. She'll probably want to tag along to every other appointment, too.
I'm still craving Taco Bell. Maybe if I can keep my eating under control until this evening I'll reward myself with burritos. :)
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Taco Bell, Anyone?
Well, Baby Padawan, I want to thank you for my extreme hunger and cravings these past few days. I ate non-stop yesterday. King Cake (Happy Fat Tuesday!), potato chips, pickles, a salad from Cracker Barrell (strange craving to have, but I love their salad dressing so much)... it was a non-stop eat day. I'm doing better today, but merely because there aren't any delicious snacks roaming freely through the office.
Speaking of office. There are so many changes going on everywhere. I quit my job about 3 weeks ago, since we're moving an hour east of where we live. Change #1. I find out last week I'm pregnant. Change #2. We are in the beginning stages of building our first house. Change #3. Nothing like knocking out three huge changes all at once. Go big or go home, right?
I'm craving Taco Bell right now. All it took was a tossed sauce packet outside our apartment to spur the craving. But since I had pizza rolls for lunch (seriously, where is this coming from?), hubby insists we eat "healthy" for dinner, so Subway it is. Doesn't he realize my pregnant self does not want healthy? He means well. :)
Well, our mouths are beginning to leak like a faucet. Hubby told his two best friends yesterday about our big news. I told one of my other best friends today, simply because she's pregnant, too, and who better to share this experience with than a great friend? She lives up north, so it's not like we can get together and swap sore boob stories, but she's just a phone call away.
Speaking of office. There are so many changes going on everywhere. I quit my job about 3 weeks ago, since we're moving an hour east of where we live. Change #1. I find out last week I'm pregnant. Change #2. We are in the beginning stages of building our first house. Change #3. Nothing like knocking out three huge changes all at once. Go big or go home, right?
I'm craving Taco Bell right now. All it took was a tossed sauce packet outside our apartment to spur the craving. But since I had pizza rolls for lunch (seriously, where is this coming from?), hubby insists we eat "healthy" for dinner, so Subway it is. Doesn't he realize my pregnant self does not want healthy? He means well. :)
Well, our mouths are beginning to leak like a faucet. Hubby told his two best friends yesterday about our big news. I told one of my other best friends today, simply because she's pregnant, too, and who better to share this experience with than a great friend? She lives up north, so it's not like we can get together and swap sore boob stories, but she's just a phone call away.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Our Padawan Pregnancy Journey-Day 34, Week 4
Well, we honestly didn't think we would be at this spot for a very, very long time. It was just last month that I went to my OBGYN asking for her advice on how we can up our chances of getting pregnant on our own. I left that appointment hysterical and crying, not knowing if we would ever be able to conceive without fertility help. Long story short my hubby is working with, what my OBGYN said, was 3% normal sperm. She basically told me in that appointment that getting pregnant on our own was going to be virtually impossible, that we could try on our own for a few months, but our best options would be AI and then IVF if that didn't work.
So after my hubby got me calmed down, he came up with a game plan: we would try for 6 months, actively try, tracking ovulation and whatnot. After six months, if there's no success, then we would seek fertility help and begin whatever kind of treatments they suggested.
So we tracked ovulation, we got the happy face on the OPK pee stick, we did everything we were supposed to do. I took a pregnancy test on Thursday, February 9, knowing very well my period was not due until the following Wednesday, but I had a few extras lying around, and lately my hobby is peeing on sticks. Negative. I knew it would be. My sister came into town that Saturday and we went to a Mardi Gras parade on Sunday, February 12. Just for shits and giggles, I came home and took it test. That bright pink test line that always shows up, pregnant or not, came up like it always does immediately. I looked at it and said to my dog, who happened to be sitting at my feet, "nope, not pregnant." (I really need to stop talking to him like he's a human.)
But I stood up and looked again. Hmm. There's another VERY faint line on that stick. I mean, I have to squint to see it. Hmm. Strange. There's NEVER been another line, faint or not, on these sticks. Hmm. Hubby is offshore working. I told him I would never call him with pregnancy info over the phone like this. So that led me to the next best thing: my best friend from home in Ohio. The girl I've been going to since November when we went off the pill (but weren't trying at that point). I texted her a photo of the test, and she told me "a line is a line! You're gonna be a momma!" I ran out that night, picked up more tests, including digital (which read "Not Pregnant" that same night), and smiled a goofy ass grin all night long.
Whoa. Wait. Didn't my OBGYN just tell me 3 weeks before that I would more than likely not be conceiving on our own without the help of fertility treatments? Yep. She did. And what you're saying is, on the first damn try of tracking ovulation and actually "trying," my hubby hit the ball out of the park and scored a home run?
Yep. That's exactly what happened.
Now. I could call my OBGYN a dumb bitch (which I have quite frequently over the past week), but instead, I'll just write her a little note thanking her for her useless advice, and letting her know we'll be moving on to a different OBGYN (closer to where we're moving, so that's a plus).
So in those first 48 hours of finding out I was, in fact, pregnant, and trying to keep my excitement from my hubby on the phone, I took like 10 pee tests. All positive. I waited to take the digital until later on in the week. My hubby got home on Monday, February 13, the day after I took the first pee test and got that big fat positive (BFP). I had a cute plan and surprised him when he got home. He was... shocked, to say the least. Floored. Dumbfounded. "Are you sure?" Well... I think so. Those tests don't lie. What a wonderful Valentine's Day present for us. :)
Wednesday was the day, the Aunt Flo day. She never did show her wretched head. Nothing on Thursday... Friday... and so on.
So Thursday, February 16 (technically 4 weeks preggo at this point), we decided to tell my mom and sister the good news. I didn't want to; I was nervous. I didn't want to jinx anything. But with the way my hubby works, someone else had to know, in case something happened and I needed some support. So we met them for dinner, and I sent a text message with a picture of the "Pregnant" digital reading from a digital test. My sister got it first at the table at the restaurant. She threw her arms up in the arm and just said "WIN" with a big stupid grin on her face. It took my mom's phone about 2 extra minutes (seemed like a freaking eternity) before the text came through. She looked at me, said "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and started crying, right in the restaurant. She jumped out of her chair, nearly knocking it over, tackled me with the force of a linebacker, than ran for my lovely hubby. She was shocked, too. She was on the receiving end of the hysterical phone call after I left my OBGYN's office just a month before, reassuring me that we would hopefully be able to conceive on our own, but if we couldn't, there are other options.
So. My hubby knows. I know. My mom and two sisters and step dad know, because they were all at dinner with us. The Melting Pot waitress who waited on us on Valentine's Day unfortunately knows because she was very nosy, trying to get me to have a cocktail, and after my many "no thank yous," I had to finally tell her why I wasn't divulging in the booze she was offering. And my best friend.
So this will be a big fat secret until, we're hoping, around April 1. I'll be about 10.5 weeks by then. I dunno if I can keep it a secret that long. I want to tell everyone, but I'm a realist. We'll wait until things look fabulous enough to tell. My first appointment is March 7, with a new OBGYN located closer to where we are moving. Another reason I had to tell my mom... in case my hubby isn't home to go to the appointment with me, she'll be the stand in hubby.
We're excited. I'm thrilled. Elated. Scared shitless. I woke up stressed yesterday morning, thinking "oh my gosh, we won't be able to sleep in anymore!" :) Obviously I'm worrying about other things, but sleep is, and always has been, a #1 in my life. Speaking of which... I can't get enough right now. Thanks tiny embryo! I'll be glad to be tired if it means your little tiny being is growing and getting healthy and becoming the greatest love of our lives.
OH PS... about the "Padawan" thing... I told my hubby we had to come up with a nickname for our tiny being. Something clever. Cute. I was thinking like Buttercup, Sweetness, something cutesy. He came up with Padawan, which apparently is a Jedi in training. Yep. We're already breeding a first class Star Wars nerd, just like my hubby, and this embryo just looks like a tadpole at this point.
So after my hubby got me calmed down, he came up with a game plan: we would try for 6 months, actively try, tracking ovulation and whatnot. After six months, if there's no success, then we would seek fertility help and begin whatever kind of treatments they suggested.
So we tracked ovulation, we got the happy face on the OPK pee stick, we did everything we were supposed to do. I took a pregnancy test on Thursday, February 9, knowing very well my period was not due until the following Wednesday, but I had a few extras lying around, and lately my hobby is peeing on sticks. Negative. I knew it would be. My sister came into town that Saturday and we went to a Mardi Gras parade on Sunday, February 12. Just for shits and giggles, I came home and took it test. That bright pink test line that always shows up, pregnant or not, came up like it always does immediately. I looked at it and said to my dog, who happened to be sitting at my feet, "nope, not pregnant." (I really need to stop talking to him like he's a human.)
But I stood up and looked again. Hmm. There's another VERY faint line on that stick. I mean, I have to squint to see it. Hmm. Strange. There's NEVER been another line, faint or not, on these sticks. Hmm. Hubby is offshore working. I told him I would never call him with pregnancy info over the phone like this. So that led me to the next best thing: my best friend from home in Ohio. The girl I've been going to since November when we went off the pill (but weren't trying at that point). I texted her a photo of the test, and she told me "a line is a line! You're gonna be a momma!" I ran out that night, picked up more tests, including digital (which read "Not Pregnant" that same night), and smiled a goofy ass grin all night long.
Whoa. Wait. Didn't my OBGYN just tell me 3 weeks before that I would more than likely not be conceiving on our own without the help of fertility treatments? Yep. She did. And what you're saying is, on the first damn try of tracking ovulation and actually "trying," my hubby hit the ball out of the park and scored a home run?
Yep. That's exactly what happened.
Now. I could call my OBGYN a dumb bitch (which I have quite frequently over the past week), but instead, I'll just write her a little note thanking her for her useless advice, and letting her know we'll be moving on to a different OBGYN (closer to where we're moving, so that's a plus).
So in those first 48 hours of finding out I was, in fact, pregnant, and trying to keep my excitement from my hubby on the phone, I took like 10 pee tests. All positive. I waited to take the digital until later on in the week. My hubby got home on Monday, February 13, the day after I took the first pee test and got that big fat positive (BFP). I had a cute plan and surprised him when he got home. He was... shocked, to say the least. Floored. Dumbfounded. "Are you sure?" Well... I think so. Those tests don't lie. What a wonderful Valentine's Day present for us. :)
Wednesday was the day, the Aunt Flo day. She never did show her wretched head. Nothing on Thursday... Friday... and so on.
So Thursday, February 16 (technically 4 weeks preggo at this point), we decided to tell my mom and sister the good news. I didn't want to; I was nervous. I didn't want to jinx anything. But with the way my hubby works, someone else had to know, in case something happened and I needed some support. So we met them for dinner, and I sent a text message with a picture of the "Pregnant" digital reading from a digital test. My sister got it first at the table at the restaurant. She threw her arms up in the arm and just said "WIN" with a big stupid grin on her face. It took my mom's phone about 2 extra minutes (seemed like a freaking eternity) before the text came through. She looked at me, said "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and started crying, right in the restaurant. She jumped out of her chair, nearly knocking it over, tackled me with the force of a linebacker, than ran for my lovely hubby. She was shocked, too. She was on the receiving end of the hysterical phone call after I left my OBGYN's office just a month before, reassuring me that we would hopefully be able to conceive on our own, but if we couldn't, there are other options.
So. My hubby knows. I know. My mom and two sisters and step dad know, because they were all at dinner with us. The Melting Pot waitress who waited on us on Valentine's Day unfortunately knows because she was very nosy, trying to get me to have a cocktail, and after my many "no thank yous," I had to finally tell her why I wasn't divulging in the booze she was offering. And my best friend.
So this will be a big fat secret until, we're hoping, around April 1. I'll be about 10.5 weeks by then. I dunno if I can keep it a secret that long. I want to tell everyone, but I'm a realist. We'll wait until things look fabulous enough to tell. My first appointment is March 7, with a new OBGYN located closer to where we are moving. Another reason I had to tell my mom... in case my hubby isn't home to go to the appointment with me, she'll be the stand in hubby.
We're excited. I'm thrilled. Elated. Scared shitless. I woke up stressed yesterday morning, thinking "oh my gosh, we won't be able to sleep in anymore!" :) Obviously I'm worrying about other things, but sleep is, and always has been, a #1 in my life. Speaking of which... I can't get enough right now. Thanks tiny embryo! I'll be glad to be tired if it means your little tiny being is growing and getting healthy and becoming the greatest love of our lives.
OH PS... about the "Padawan" thing... I told my hubby we had to come up with a nickname for our tiny being. Something clever. Cute. I was thinking like Buttercup, Sweetness, something cutesy. He came up with Padawan, which apparently is a Jedi in training. Yep. We're already breeding a first class Star Wars nerd, just like my hubby, and this embryo just looks like a tadpole at this point.
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