Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's a...



I've been saying all along it was a boy.  I had a dream it was a boy.  My husband had a dream it was a boy.  I had a gut feeling it was a boy.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Back when we had a "Sneak Peek" ultrasound 4 weeks ago, the tech said that she "thought" it was a girl but since there was so much swelling she couldn't be for certain, so I took what she said with a grain of salt.  When I laid down and she put the belly wand on me she said she knew instantly what the baby was, but was trying to get a good view for us.  I told her that 4 weeks before she told us she thought it was a girl, and she said "Well, I'm pretty good then if I told you that at 14 weeks."  :)  I cried.  I squealed like a pig in mud.  I didn't care what the baby was, just as long as it's healthy and happy.  But to hear that it's a girl... I've always dreamt of having a little girl of my own to spoil, dress up, play with, and love unconditionally forever and ever.  I grew up with sisters.  I helped raise one.  I have a special connection with girls.  I know how to deal with them, how to handle their quirks.  I have no doubt in my mind that I would have been just as fabulous a mother to a little boy as a little girl, but deep down I wanted this baby girl.  :)  We are SO very blessed.

My hubby, on the other hand, was disappointed, I think.  He wanted that first boy, that little one that he could play video games with, bond over Star Wars and comic books.  I told him he can still do that with our baby girl.  :)  I know he's going to be the best daddy to this precious little girl.  I can just picture him with her and it melts my heart, just the thought of it.  I'm going to be a total mess when this little girl comes into our lives and I see him with her.

Harper Annmarie Bell.  That's our baby girl.  We love the name Harper, and Annmarie is a combination of my grandma and mom's middle names (Ann) and my middle name (Marie).  We both loved the name and thought it sounded pretty.  And from the sounds of it, everyone else loves it, too.  Not that I care, really.  :)

So we started spoiling her this weekend.  30 minutes after we knew we went shopping.  Clothes, bows, stuffed animals, socks, shoes, books, bibs, precious dresses with ruffles... we got it all.  Lord help us and all of the stuff we're buying.

So my next actual doctor's appointment is tomorrow at 1:10, and my hubby gets to go to this one.  :)  I'm so excited.  It's the first one he's been able to make since he's been working so much.  The appointment probably won't consist of much, but I'm excited because he'll get to meet the doctor and tell me what he thinks of him.  There's something about this doctor that I just can't pinpoint.  I know he's a good guy, he delivered my cousin's baby, but I just feel like he doesn't take my concerns into consideration.  It will be nice for my hubby to meet him and give me his opinion.

Harper Annmarie Bell.  (I can't stop saying her name...)


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