Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 weeks, 2 days

We made it to 10 weeks yesterday.  So exciting and hard to believe that 6 weeks ago we found out we were expecting.  I was really, really sick on Monday, but since then I've been feeling OK.  Pants are a little tighter, boobs feel bigger, and I noticed a new stretch mark this morning on my belly that wasn't there before.

I had a long talk with a good friend that's about 20 weeks pregnant with her 2nd baby the other night.  It's soooo nice to have good friends that are pregnant at the same time.  Most of my friends have had babies, so they're my go-to's.  We chatted for like an hour and a half about lots of stuff, including her trying to convince me that her new mini van is the greatest thing since sliced bread (no one will ever convince me of that, ever).  I had made the mistake earlier in the day of googling childbirth to check out the various stages and whatnot, which kind of got my anxiety going through the roof.  She told me to stop googling.  That everyone's experiences are different.  Her first childbirth was a dream, but that's not to say mine will or won't be.  Everyone's different.  I'm a chronic worrier, so the fact that I'm already worrying about childbirth 30 weeks before the baby's supposed arrival is not surprising to me.

For awhile I've said I want no one other than my husband in the room with me when I give birth.  It's a private thing.  I'm modest.  I don't want people seeing me cry and scream and punch my husband.  But my friend told me that she had both her mother and mother-in-law in the room with her and her husband when she gave birth.  She said her mom was there to provide support to her, and her husband's mom was there to provide support to him, because inevitably he would need it at some point.  That sounds like a good idea, but I do NOT want my mother or MIL in the room with us.  No way.  That's just way too many emotions and estrogen in one room.  But I think I'm going to ask my sister.  I want someone there to be able to take pictures for us, especially pictures of hubby cutting the cord, and those first few moments of baby's first breath, me holding baby, etc.  I think my hubby will be too tied up with me to worry about a camera.  I've talked about it with her before, and she does not want to be in the room, but I know she'll do it for me if I ask her to.

I'm tired.  So tired.  The pup and I were asleep last night before 9.  It's sad when you look forward to the weekends so you can sleep them away.


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