Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Doctor Luck

Well my appointment was supposed to be this afternoon, but the office called yesterday to freaking reschedule.  First I have a doctor with no bedside manner, now a doctor with poor time management skills.  So my appointment is tomorrow at 10:00am now.  I guess it isn't a big deal, but I was really looking forward to taking the afternoon off from work today.  Oh well.  I'm still pretty nervous.  What if there's nothing there?  What if this is all in my head?  I guess it won't feel really "real" until tomorrow for me.  I hope he'll do a vaginal ultrasound.  The nurse didn't seem to think he would.  Don't you think that's kind of a natural first step to confirm the pregnancy (besides a blood and urine test)?  I'm going to guilt trip him into it: "Well, you cancelled on me yesterday.  To make up for it, lube that stick up and let's see our baby."  Hmm.

I was nauseous most of yesterday.  I must have been hungry last night, though, because I inhaled a Subway veggie sub in about 3 seconds flat.

Oh yeah, I told my boss yesterday.  I had been dragging my feet with that one.  I gave notice at work about a month ago, before we knew about the bebe and all, and my last day will be June 15.  It's just a lot to take in for her.  She doesn't handle change well.  But she's excited for us, not that I really give two shits if she's excited or not.  I just can't wait to get out of here.  You know you have those ex-employees that like to come back and visit and shoot the shit?  Yeah.  That won't be me.

I am so tired today.  I slept like crap last night (and most nights).  I woke up having to pee, but was way too lazy to get up, so I just laid there, bladder full, but not wanting to disrupt Sleeping Beauty (aka puppy).  He's been really sweet lately.  I'm not sure if he knows something is up or what, but every night he has been sleeping right by me on the bed.  Usually he putz's around all night, but ever since my hubby left for work two weeks ago, he has not strayed from the bed once at night.  Of course, I woke up to him this morning right in between my legs.  Lol.  It was so funny and cute.  Maybe he's soaking up as much baby time as he can get before the actual baby arrives.  He's been the baby for over 3 years... he'll still be my baby, but just a different kind.  Sweet pup.

Wonder if I can muster up some motivation to do something today besides search Etsy and Pinterest for cute baby stuff...

Probably not.


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