13 weeks... so crazy. Seems like just yesterday I peed on a stick and it changed our lives forever.
Things are going really well. I'm not sick anymore (!), which is fabulous. I'm still really tired, been asleep before 9 every night. I'm sooooo sick of hearing people say "sleep while you can!" Yeah, I get it, sleep is flighty, at best, when the baby comes. I'm not stupid.
Oh yeah. I'm still a raging bitch. Maybe more so than before. Thanks hormones.
Hubby finally gets home tomorrow after being gone 25 days. That is a l o n g damn time when you're pregnant, emotional, mad, sad, happy, bitchy, sick, tired. I'm so ready to see him. We're going to celebrate our 2nd anniversary while he's home, since he'll miss it and be gone for it this year (April 30). Hopefully the next time he comes home we can find out the sex of the baby!
The cat is out of the bag at work now. Everyone knows I'm leaving (an e-mail was sent out), my replacement (my sister!) begins training April 30, and I'm outta here June 15. Looks like I'll still be tied to this place after I leave, doing some recruiting from home, but I'm good with that. Extra money, and it will give me something to do between now and baby time. Everyone is really happy for us, with building the house, moving, and having the bebe. I think a few of the guys here almost cried when they came to talk to me about leaving. Kind of funny and sad.
I made this really cute dress over the weekend to accomodate an expanding belly. It makes my rack look HUGE (although a full coverage hooded sweatshirt does, too), but it turned out pretty cute. It's long and flowy and makes me look like a whale, but I love the fabric and colors, and I'm pregnant, so I don't care.
This past weekend, besides sewing, was full of activities. Most weekends lately have been comprised of sleeping, napping, taking the pup to the dog park, and sleeping some more, so this was a nice change. Went to a little birthday party on Saturday and had a much needed girls night out with some fabulous friends. Three hours later I was totally falling asleep at the table of the restaurant (along with another preggo friend). 10pm is like 4am to me. I met up with some family on Sunday and went to the Strawberry Festival over in Ponchatoula. It was very fun, but a little warm and after indulging in fried food, a giant lemonade, and some shopping, I was overheated and sick. :x Baby was ready to go home and take a nap! (and throw up a little bit, I hadn't eaten much sugar or fried foods lately because of my blood sugar, so my body was on crappy food overdrive, I guess...)
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