Thursday, April 26, 2012

14 Weeks! 2nd Trimester!

I forgot to post this picture of my 13 week board last week...

Me being weepy was an understatement.  I think my hubby inadvertantly made me cry 3 or 4 times over the weekend.  He wasn't being mean.  He just didn't say the right thing, apparently.  :)  I cry at the drop of a hat nowadays.  Everything rubs me the wrong way.  I felt so bad every time I cried, but I just couldn't help it.  You can't stop the waterworks when they start.  Add to that some very unnecessary family drama going on, and I've been a total mess.  There is a particular person that I unfortunately have to associate with, but I've had it.  You try and try and try to make a relationship with someone that is just not the kind of person you want to associate with, and eventually you give up.  I have given up.  There was all of this drama going on on stupid FB that forced me to defend my sister (which I will ALWAYS do, no matter what), and it eventually ended with me texting said person that I appreciate her and her family for what they do, and I didn't get a response.  That's OK.  Proves the maturity level of this person.  I can't tell you how many times I've apologized or tried to explain myself or make things right, but get nothing in return.  Like my hubby said, he realized a long time ago that you can only be shit on so many times before you just deal with it, distance yourself, and don't trust this person.  My life is simpler now and less stressed, but it's sad.  Oh well.  I need to eliminate stress and unnecessary bull shit out of my life, for our baby's sake, and I have done so.  I will be civil around said person, but like my hubby says, the only people that matter are us, the baby and Fritz.  I love that man.  He is my sanity.

Sigh of relief.

So hubby is back to work now.  He was home for a few days and it was wonderful (with the exception of my emotional crying fits, sorry hubby).  We went to an outside source Saturday for an ultrasound.  The first one hubby got to see.  It was amazing.  After fighting torrential rains to get to Nola early Saturday, we made it and got to hear baby's heartbeat (156 BPM!) and see Le Petite Bebe just a bouncing around in there.  Bebe even waved to us, saying hi to daddy for the first time.  Bebe even kicked back and laid around.  The tech said bebe was so active because I hadn't eaten.  Don't worry, I engorged myself in Juan's Flying Burrito shortly thereafter and bebe was very happy.  We went to the French Quarter and picked up bebe's first present from daddy, a giant, soft, fluffy alligator and a book for the nursery library.  We did a lot of house finalization stuff that needed completed, so it looks like we just have to sit back and wait for it to be done at this point.  Another sigh of relief.  :)

So now we are 14 weeks!

Hubby put his artistic skills to the test and drew his work place.  :)  2nd trimester.  The first really flew by.  I think I'm finally getting some energy back, but it's hard to say.

My sister is moving down south today!  She is actually taking my place at my job, so she starts training with me Monday.  I have so much to do here to get ready for that.  Wish I hadn't procrastinated so much.  That my mode of operation, though.  Wait til the last minute.  I'll probably have to come in this weekend to finish up the training stuff.  I do so much on a daily basis that it's hard to pinpoint everything and put it into writing.  Luckily I had a manual to work off of, but I do a lot more now than I did when I originally started.  She'll be shacking up with us until she gets her own place (hopefully soon lol).

I still haven't gained any weight yet, which has me kind of wondering.  I started eating better because of my sugar, but I've been slacking on that.  I feel like I should be gaining some kind of weight.  I know my belly is getting bigger because the one pair of jeans I wear do the roll over maneuver.  I may pop by the maternity store this weekend to pick up some jeans.  I have maternity capris, but I need something to wear to the office that isn't capris.  I got a really cute maternity dress from Target last week that is going to be a God send this summer in this south Louisiana heat.

My next appointment is next Wednesday... maybe I'll talk to the doc about not gaining weight.  I'm sure the minute I mention it I'll put on 20 pounds.  :X


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