Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 weeks, 2 days

We made it to 10 weeks yesterday.  So exciting and hard to believe that 6 weeks ago we found out we were expecting.  I was really, really sick on Monday, but since then I've been feeling OK.  Pants are a little tighter, boobs feel bigger, and I noticed a new stretch mark this morning on my belly that wasn't there before.

I had a long talk with a good friend that's about 20 weeks pregnant with her 2nd baby the other night.  It's soooo nice to have good friends that are pregnant at the same time.  Most of my friends have had babies, so they're my go-to's.  We chatted for like an hour and a half about lots of stuff, including her trying to convince me that her new mini van is the greatest thing since sliced bread (no one will ever convince me of that, ever).  I had made the mistake earlier in the day of googling childbirth to check out the various stages and whatnot, which kind of got my anxiety going through the roof.  She told me to stop googling.  That everyone's experiences are different.  Her first childbirth was a dream, but that's not to say mine will or won't be.  Everyone's different.  I'm a chronic worrier, so the fact that I'm already worrying about childbirth 30 weeks before the baby's supposed arrival is not surprising to me.

For awhile I've said I want no one other than my husband in the room with me when I give birth.  It's a private thing.  I'm modest.  I don't want people seeing me cry and scream and punch my husband.  But my friend told me that she had both her mother and mother-in-law in the room with her and her husband when she gave birth.  She said her mom was there to provide support to her, and her husband's mom was there to provide support to him, because inevitably he would need it at some point.  That sounds like a good idea, but I do NOT want my mother or MIL in the room with us.  No way.  That's just way too many emotions and estrogen in one room.  But I think I'm going to ask my sister.  I want someone there to be able to take pictures for us, especially pictures of hubby cutting the cord, and those first few moments of baby's first breath, me holding baby, etc.  I think my hubby will be too tied up with me to worry about a camera.  I've talked about it with her before, and she does not want to be in the room, but I know she'll do it for me if I ask her to.

I'm tired.  So tired.  The pup and I were asleep last night before 9.  It's sad when you look forward to the weekends so you can sleep them away.

Monday, March 26, 2012

9 weeks, 6 Days

Well the results came back from the one hour glucose test and all was fine.  Of course, I had to call to get the results (I'm not really happy with the nurses and office of this OBGYN), but at least they were in normal range.  I knew they would be.  I knew when they tried to send me for the 3 hour glucose test they were jumping the gun.

We did some shopping this weekend.  We bought a glider and ottoman for the nursery.  :)  It's beautiful.  The most beautiful glider I've ever seen.  I got to pick out the fabric (a nice brown and ivory print, so it's very gender neutral), and they will hold it and have it delivered to our new house when it's ready.  We almost bought the stroller/pram combo, but we're still doing some research on that end.  I also think it's too early to buy baby stuff right now.  The glider/ottoman will be used in the living room once it's done in the nursery, so it's multi-purpose and not just baby-specific.  I'll feel more comfortable buying baby stuff once we hit the 12 week mark.  (I'm very superstitious.  I didn't even want to tell anyone until 12 weeks.  Hubby told me the other day "we are going to have a baby, stop it."  It's not that easy for me!)

So the store we got the glider/ottoman from is called All About Baby in Covington, very close to where our new house is.  Good for their business, bad for our wallets.  I think we plan to get the nursery furniture from there, too, which will cost a small fortune.  But I told hubby that I would be willing to sacrifice new furniture for us if it meant our baby got beautiful bedroom furniture.  And that's the honest truth.  This baby is spoiled already and it still looks like an alien.

My SIL suggested this Metromint water from Fresh Market to help with the morning sickness.  I've still been feeling a little queasy lately, so I bought out our local Fresh Market of the stuff.  I love it.  It tastes great and the mint really helps.  I hope they restock by next weekend so I can get some more if I need it.  I would drink this stuff even if I didn't have morning sickness.  It's really refreshing and delicious.

Time is really flying... it's kind of scary.  I know I'm going to blink and I'm going to be full term and "ready" to have this baby.  But I'm scared I'll be physically ready, but not mentally prepared.  I still don't really feel pregnant, just sick and exhausted and tired.  I know they say 40 weeks is a long time, but these first 6 weeks since we've found out have FLOWN by.  That scares me.

Friday, March 23, 2012

9 weeks, 3 days

Just wanted to pop in and post my 9 weeks, 3 days bump pic :) The last one I posted was a little after 7 weeks.  I think I actually look smaller in this picture than the last.  :P  Maybe from the morning sickness?  OH.  I'm wearing my maternity pants today.  I may never go back to real pants ever again.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

9 weeks, 2 days

Still haven't heard from the doc about the results of my glucose test last Thursday.  I'll probably give them a call tomorrow if I haven't heard by then...

Nothing much new to report, still pretty nauseous and tired.  Hopefully 3 more weeks of that and it will go out the window and I can continue on and actually enjoy this.  :)

We went to a maternity store last night.  My pants are starting to roll over when I sit, so I got one of those belly band things to hold up my pants, and got my first pair of maternity pants.  How in the hell had I not noticed these prior to getting pregnant?  These are the most awesome, comfy pants on the planet.  Hubby told me I wasn't allowed to wear them after I had the baby.  Ha!  Yeah right!  If he could wear pants without a waist band he would, too!  I picked up some fat girl underwear, since my dog keeps eating mine.  :P

How far along?  9 weeks, 2 days
Maternity clothes?  Picked up my first pair of maternity capris last night, and a belly band that I'm wearing today.  Stretchy and comfy.  Two things I love in clothes.
Stretch marks?  Yep, always had 'em.  Just lubing up on belly butter.
Sleep?  Like a rock.  We got new pillows last night that are AMAZING.
Best moment this week?  Coming home to the dishes being done and the kitchen picked up last night.  Best hubby ever.  It's the little things.
Miss anything?  Food sounding good.
Movement?  Nope.
Food cravings?  Last night it was an ice cream sundae.  And jalapeno potato chips.
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Just a general nauseated feeling generally all day long.
Have you started to show yet?  I feel like my belly is getting a little bigger and more difficult to suck in.  But I think I need to poo, too :P
Gender? Still thinking a boy... hubby had a dream it was a boy.
Labour Signs? No.
Belly Button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.
Happy or Moody most of the time?  Getting a little less bitchy.
Looking forward to going into labor?  Still coming to terms with this... I don't think I'm scared, just unnerved about the unknown.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Preggy Trip

We took our first trip as a preggy couple this weekend to see the Bristol NASCAR race.  We got to spend some time in the mountains of North Carolina.  It's so beautiful and peaceful there.  Really calming and lovely.  Of course, I got back to the office this morning to over 130+ e-mails.  Ugh.  Only 87 more days of this stress.

Everyone officially knows about our little bean.  We told hubby's parents (and entire family) on Thursday evening on our way out of town.  Then it went on Facebook and spread like wildfire.  I knew it would once we told hubby's side of the family.  Not many secrets anywhere.  So everyone knows, and everyone is just as excited as we are (if not more, if you're my mother).  Now I don't have to worry whether this person knows or if we've told this other person yet.  Now I can just concentrate on being pregnant, taking care of myself, and enjoying the pregnancy.

After a lot of bullshit on Thursday, I finally went in to do that one hour glucose test at the lab.  I still haven't heard anything back about it.  I really hope it comes back OK.

We are in the 9th week here.  It's going by REALLY quickly.  I'm ready to start showing.  I haven't gained any weight yet, but I am starting to feel better.  I wasn't really nauseous at all on our trip.  There were a few times where I threw up or felt sick, but I think that was mostly from the curvy mountain roads and bouts of car sickness from sitting in the backseat.  It was a great trip but I am so glad to be out of the car and not have to drive any long distances for a long, long time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Well Dr. Breen's office called me today and said the results were back from my blood test and my sugar was high.  They asked if I had eaten that morning, but I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago, let alone what I ate a week ago.  I remember eating crackers in the car on the way to the appointment, and if it was like any other day the past few weeks, I've had either a glass of OJ or cranberry juice in the morning, along with two pieces of toast with peanut butter.  I'm hoping that is what happened... that I ate that morning and that's why it was high.  I'm so nervous.  I have to go in the morning to do another test, this time fasting (I would have fasted that morning last week had I known!).

Ugh.  Fingers crossed all goes well.  Tomorrow is the day we tell hubby's parents and whoever else happens to be at their house at the moment.  Should be fun.  Then we plan to make it facebook office on Friday... I'm still a little hesitant about that, but hubby wants to.  Just hoping everything turns out OK and this doesn't backfire.

I'm the eternal pessimist.  :P

Monday, March 12, 2012

This is Fun...

I saw this on another pregnancy blog and thought I might do this on a weekly basis...

How far along?  7 weeks, 6 days
Maternity clothes?  Not "maternity" clothes, but I did buy a jacket to wear to hide up any potential bump before I'm ready to reveal it at work.
Stretch marks?  Hell, I had them before I got pregnant (doesn't every REAL woman?).  Of course they're there.  But hubby bought me Mama Bees to try to keep my belly semi-normal.
Sleep?  It's OK.  Over the weekend I was up numerous times to pee one night, but not since then.  Strange.  I was still up at the ass crack of dawn today despite springing ahead.
Best moment this week?  My hubby coming home and wanting to see the ultrasound picture.
Miss anything?  Caesar salads and not feeling nauseous.
Movement?  Nope.
Food cravings?  Anything fresh, cold and fruity.
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Everything!  Not a damn thing sounds good.
Have you started to show yet?  Nope, still just look like my same 'ol fat self.  :P
Gender? We think it's a boy... I guess we'll find out in May!
Labour Signs? Oh sheesh, I hope not.  :/
Belly Button in or out?  In.  Outties are so ugly.  Please God, let me belly button remain IN.  I won't be able to look at myself in the mirror if it's out!
Wedding rings on or off?  On!
Happy or Moody most of the time?  I'm a big 'ol pile of bitchiness.
Looking forward to going into labor?  Not right now.  Still scares me shitless.  I don't want my who-ha to get all weird and deformed and stretched and cut.  I'm sure I'll come around to that idea eventually...

Happy Wife

I'm a happy wife, my hubby is home from work for at least two weeks.  When he got home last night he asked how the baby was.  Makes me melt.  He wanted to see the ultrasound picture, too.  When your hubby works as much as mine does, it really makes you appreciate the time he is home and the little things.

I was superrrrr sick this weekend.  Not constantly throwing up or anything, just a nagging nausea that would not go away.  I ate through the pain (a good friend gave me this advice, eat even if you don't want to, for the baby), but it was not fun.  My pup wasn't feeling well, either (shots), so we just laid around on the couch all weekend watching the Jersey Shore marathon (the lack of brain cells on that show is not helping my pregnancy brain at all).  Maybe that's what we both needed.  Hubby got to experience my first bouts of sickness last night after we ate dinner.  "Don't throw up the food you just ate!"  Easier said than done.  :x

On a side note, I cannot wait until my last day at my job.  June 15.  Each day I show up here, the more I hate it.  I never thought I would be so miserable in a job.  I work with a lot of assholes, and it really gets to you.  You never feel good enough, adequate enough, smart enough.  Hands down, giving my notice here is the best decision I have EVER made in my life (except for moving down south and meeting my husband, forever changing my life in the best way possible).  Even if I wasn't quitting to stay home with our babies, I would still be quitting to find another job elsewhere.  It's not worth the unhappiness I experience everyday here.

Rant over.

We started talking about family cars yesterday.  My 2001 Honda Civic is paid for, but maybe not the safest car.  Hubby's truck is nearly paid for, but not exactly a family vehicle.  So I think we've decided to get another car.  With his job, we get a pretty sizable discount on Ford vehicles, so I think we'll go that route.  I like the Ford Edges, but there's a few other cars we like, too.  So we shall see... I am leaning towards a small SUV, something that can carry us into our next child, whenever that may be.  I would hate to buy a slightly smaller car now, and then have to upgrade again when we have another baby.  I have never had a new car!  And it's been over 6 years since I bought my used Civic.  This will be exciting.  :)

Spring forward is going to kick my ass today.  Getting up at 5:30 was like getting up at 4:30.  Boo.  Boo.  Boo.  I'm gonna need to find a hole to crawl into to take a nap today.

Friday, March 9, 2012


My hubby is the absolute best.  Hands down, there is not another out there that can beat his awesomeness.  I just love him.  A big package from Amazon arrived on Wednesday with lots of preggers goodies, including a really cute Ohio State preggy shirt (I can't find a picture of it, but eventually I'll take a picture in it and post it) and this awesome stuff:

A pregnancy pillow, since apparently you can't sleep on your back after the 1st trimester.  I'm a back sleeper, so this is gonna be a life saver.  I've been using it and I love it.  Only problem is it's huge and when my hubby will be in our bed, it will be interesting to see how we all fit in the bed (me, him and puppy) with the pillow.  Looks like a king size bed is in our future in the new house.

Preggy pops for my bouts of nausea.  They're pretty sour but I like them and they work.  He also sent me a bottle of pills for nausea, but I haven't had a chance to try those yet.  I love candy, so these pop drops are winners in my book.

Three containers of Mama Bee's Belly Butter.  He must be worried that my belly is gonna get gigantic and warped.  But I think I'll end up using all of it and probably order more.  I'm not a fan of lotions in general, but I like this stuff.  There isn't a smell to it and it isn't oily and greasy.  I'm been using it morning and night.

And some belly buds!  So neat!  Just pop these on your belly and you can talk to the baby or have the baby listen to music (or Real Housewives of New Jersey).  I can't wait to use these.  My best told me they used these with her last baby and she came out knowing her and her hubby's voices.  That's pretty neat if you ask me.  :)

Needless to say, I have a hubby that treats me like a queen, and I love him more than anything.  Not  just because he buys me things, but he's just wonderful.  Period.  I love you hubby.

Oh, one more picture... I want to take these belly photos weekly.  Now, since I'm slightly larger to begin with, I think I always kinda look pregnant, but I'm gonna call this belly in this photo a bump and go with it.  7 weeks 3 days.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Just all smiles.  :)  Yesterday was a dream.  My first appointment.  My mom met me at the doctor's office, and besides having to wait an hour past my appointment time, it was bliss.  I peed in a cup (trust me, that was bliss, too), they drew 6 viles of blood (not so blissful), I met my wonderful doctor, Dr. Breen.  The nurse first asked me when the first day of my last period was to date the pregnancy.  Now, I went in knowing that if I told them the date (January 18) they would probably not do an ultrasound on me.  The nurse told me that on the phone.  I needed them to do an ultrasound.  It wasn't real until they did.  I wouldn't believe it.  This would make it more sound.  So going in with that info, I told the nurse and Dr. Breen that I did not know the date, (just that it was sometime in mid-January).  So they did an internal exam, and he dated me "early."  Yep.  Then we trotted over to the ultrasound room where the tech handed me a giant dildo covered in a condom and asked me to insert it (hehe), and then, VOILA, there was a baby on the screen.  Our little embryo.  Our little padawan.  Our little Gucci (as my 12 year old sister so lovingly nicknamed the baby).  A little heartbeat and everything.  It was amazing.  Mom was crying, but it was too cool for me to cry.  Maybe I would have cried if my hubby had been there with me, but I'm not much of a crier in that sense, so maybe not.  I didn't even cry at our own wedding.  It was a happy day.  I cry for sadness, not happiness.

It was bliss.  7 weeks, 1 day (I could have told them that).  Due date October 18.  A Halloween baby.  My favorite time of year.


Our babies...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Doctor Luck

Well my appointment was supposed to be this afternoon, but the office called yesterday to freaking reschedule.  First I have a doctor with no bedside manner, now a doctor with poor time management skills.  So my appointment is tomorrow at 10:00am now.  I guess it isn't a big deal, but I was really looking forward to taking the afternoon off from work today.  Oh well.  I'm still pretty nervous.  What if there's nothing there?  What if this is all in my head?  I guess it won't feel really "real" until tomorrow for me.  I hope he'll do a vaginal ultrasound.  The nurse didn't seem to think he would.  Don't you think that's kind of a natural first step to confirm the pregnancy (besides a blood and urine test)?  I'm going to guilt trip him into it: "Well, you cancelled on me yesterday.  To make up for it, lube that stick up and let's see our baby."  Hmm.

I was nauseous most of yesterday.  I must have been hungry last night, though, because I inhaled a Subway veggie sub in about 3 seconds flat.

Oh yeah, I told my boss yesterday.  I had been dragging my feet with that one.  I gave notice at work about a month ago, before we knew about the bebe and all, and my last day will be June 15.  It's just a lot to take in for her.  She doesn't handle change well.  But she's excited for us, not that I really give two shits if she's excited or not.  I just can't wait to get out of here.  You know you have those ex-employees that like to come back and visit and shoot the shit?  Yeah.  That won't be me.

I am so tired today.  I slept like crap last night (and most nights).  I woke up having to pee, but was way too lazy to get up, so I just laid there, bladder full, but not wanting to disrupt Sleeping Beauty (aka puppy).  He's been really sweet lately.  I'm not sure if he knows something is up or what, but every night he has been sleeping right by me on the bed.  Usually he putz's around all night, but ever since my hubby left for work two weeks ago, he has not strayed from the bed once at night.  Of course, I woke up to him this morning right in between my legs.  Lol.  It was so funny and cute.  Maybe he's soaking up as much baby time as he can get before the actual baby arrives.  He's been the baby for over 3 years... he'll still be my baby, but just a different kind.  Sweet pup.

Wonder if I can muster up some motivation to do something today besides search Etsy and Pinterest for cute baby stuff...

Probably not.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Barf. Barf. Barf.

Or at least I constantly feel nauseated and like I'm GOING to barf.  Wooeeeee this must be what morning sickness feels like.  I did throw up last week after eating, but since then, it's just a nagging nauseated feeling 24/7.  And the only things that sound good are fresh things: berries, watermelon, grapefruit, pickles (?).  Seriously.  Last night's dinner consisted of half a sprinkled donut (all I could stomach), 3 dill pickles, a fruit cup and raspberries.  Relatively nutritious.

I ate some buttered toast this morning, but I'm regretting it at this point.  I'm drinking cranberry juice, but I'm about to switch to ginger ale to try to get some relief.  My best friend keeps telling me how sick she was with her last baby, and how she lost 25 pounds in the first trimester.  I'm kind of waiting for that to happen to me.  Lord knows I need to lose a few pounds.  It might as well be right before I gain a ton of weight to kind of balance it out.

So my first appointment is tomorrow.  I'm nervous.  It's a new doctor.  Obviously I wasn't going back to Mrs. Personality at Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge, LA (FYI her name is Dr. Pearson, in case you're looking to find a doctor that will inevitably bring your mental state to shambles).  My new doc was recommended to me by my cousin-in-law, so I trust her, but it's still a little nerve wracking, especially when this is solely dealing with our first child (still a little strange to say...).  Child.  Our child.  Our baby.  Our first kid.

Yay.  :)

I went to get my nails done on Saturday... the minute I walked in the fumes totally bombarded me in a way they never had before.  I had to wait about 15 minutes before they were ready for me, and by the time I sat down at the chair I was dizzy.  So weird.  I asked the lady for a mask, and she immediately turned to her little friend next to her, and they began their crazy fast diatribe, in turn looking at me, pointing to my belly, and asking "You pregnant?"  Yep, no secrets at Cena's Nails.  This spawned a fun convo with everyone in the shop, asking me what I'm craving ("fresh fruit") and their gender predictions ("BOY!  You having BOY!").  I even got my first belly pat.  I think I'm really going to hate that about pregnancy, the belly pats.  I know I've been guilty of doing it to my friends, but now that it's happened to me, my first inclination is to slap the hand that's going for my belly.  I'm not a touchy feely kinda person.  I get offended when someone invades my bubble, let alone reaches to actually touch me.  This should be interesting.

Well I'm off to keep my head out of the toilet and try to get some work done.  I'm ready for tomorrow afternoon.  I wish I wasn't so tired and sick, but I think that means the bebe is growing, so I'll suck it up for the bebe.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I never thought the day would come...

I knew I was not feeling well when my hubby asked "Melting Pot doesn't even sound good?"

Sigh.  No.

I never thought the day would come where food just doesn't appeal to me.  Nothing sounds good.  Except fruit, which is really strange.  I want fresh, whole food.  I'm not craving anything in particular, just juices and grapes and apples and shit like that.  What the hell.

I made these mushroom ravioli last night for dinner.  I wasn't hungry but I just kept eating.  I'm sure you can guess what happened next.

And if you can't guess, I literally had to run to the bathroom to keep from hurling all over the kitchen floor.  That was pretty fun.  I also puked so hard I peed my pants.  Awesome.

So it was back to toast and cran/apple juice this morning, as well as a glass of calcium enriched OJ to wash down my pre-natal vitamins.  I feel like I should be losing weight, but I gained two pounds.  Strange.  Of course, all I did all day long yesterday was snack.  Chips, carrots, cucumbers, and dip... the list goes on and on.  I'm heading over to visit my new nephew today and see my sister-in-law, and I told her I would bring us Steak 'N Shake to eat... but the only thing that sounds appealing to me right now are the pickles.  Crunchy, dill pickles.  We'll see how that goes.  I hope I don't puke in front of her or anyone else.  Surely they would pick up on that and ask if I was pregnant.  People aren't dumb, ya know.

After I stop to see the new little man I'm heading to my momma's for the night.  I'm sure by now the entire town in which she lives in knows our big news.  Woman can't keep a secret.  We shall see tonight... hope I can keep my dinner down and not be too obvious at a party tonight that I'm drinking ginger ale instead of a cold beer.